How Many Words In The English Language Contain Two Consecutive Letter U's?
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There aren't many English words containing the letter combination "uu". In fact, only 3 of them are used in common speech:
continuum /kənˈtɪnjuəm/ (thousandən-tin-yoo-ə1000), rarely written also "continuüm", is something without gaps or jumps. For example, languages often form a linguistic communication continuum, which means that it is incommunicable to find abrupt boundaries between different languages or dialects; they alter continuously.
vacuum /ˈvækjuəm/ (vak-yoo-əm) is a space where no affair is present.
muumuu /ˈmuːmuː/ (moo-moo) is a loose dress of Hawaiian origin.
The other words are either obsolete or used in very specific areas, but notwithstanding, they are considered part of the English language:
carduus /ˈkɑːdjuəs/ (kaa-dyoo-əs) Uk, /ˈkɑːrdjuəs/ (kar-dyoo-əs) U.s.a. is a genus of thisles (see an example on the right)
duumvir /djuˈʌmvə/ (dyoo- ʌthousand-fiveə) UK, /duˈʌmvɚ/ (doo- ʌm-vr) U.s.a. is one of two people jointly property power. A duumvirate (pronounced as "duumvir" + "it") is an alliance betwixt two as powerful leaders.
equus /ˈɛkwəs/ (ek-westwardəs) is a genus of animals that includes not merely horses, only also donkeys, zebras, and other similar animals.
fatuus is used in the phrase "ignis fatuus" /ˈɪɡnɪsˈfætjuːəs/ (ig-nis fat-yoo-əs) borrowed from Latin, literally "foolish fire" ("ignis" = burn), which ways "will-o'-the-wisp", or generally a mirage, a false hope.
lituus /ˈlɪtjuːəs/ (lit-yoo-əs) was a Roman ritual wand, and the give-and-take is all the same used in mathematics to refer to a sure blazon of curve.
period /ˈmɛnstruəm/ (men-stroo-əm), rarely written also "menstruüm", is an archaic term for a solvent, i.e. a liquid that dissolves a solid.
mutuum, usually pronounced /ˈmjuːtʃuəm/ (myoo-tchoo-əgrand), is a legal term meaning "the loan for consumption".
Nuuk /nuːk/ (nook) is the capital of Greenland.
obliquus /əbˈlaɪkwəs/ (əb-prevarication-kwəs) is a medical term for a muscle running obliquely.
residuum /rɪˈzɪdʒuəm/ (ri-zidzh-oo-əm) or /rɪˈzɪdjuəm/ (ri-zid-yoo-əthou), rarely also "residuüm", means "residue".
triduum /ˈtrɪdʒuəm/ (tridzh-oo-əthousand) or /ˈtrɪdjuəm/ (trid-yoo-əyard), rarely written also "triduüm", refers to a iii-day period of prayer.
Weltanschauung (written with a capital W) /ˈvɛltɑnʃaʊʊŋ/ (velt-an-shaoo-ung) is a German word significant "globe view". In English language, it is used in cognitive philosophy in the meaning of a "wide globe view".
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How Many Words In The English Language Contain Two Consecutive Letter U's?,
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